Project Description
Staff and customers breathe pure air in Flygfältets handelsområde
The new shopping complex was officially opened on 14 June 2012 and currently comprises 13 shops with a total of 9,200 m2 of floor space. The new facilities serve as a complement to ICA Flygfyren, which has been on the site since 1976, and give customers the opportunity to buy more than food during on their shopping expeditions.
Shopping centres make high demands
Maintaining a good, suitable indoor climate in a shopping centre places high demands on the ventilation system chosen. Such centres cover a large area that comprises numerous individual outlets, and customer flows vary greatly depending on the occasion – both within and between the stores. Even though the flow of customers into stores tends to rise at specific times, the variation in their numbers is so great that it is not possible to regulate ventilation in the same way as in an office building, for example. The situation is further complicated by the fact that outdoor temperatures also vary, and that the indoor climate has to suit both customers in their warm overclothes and staff in their lighter work clothes.
Compact units provide the right capacity
The solution was to install two modular units with a total air flow of 10 m3/s.
“One of the benefits of our modular units is that they are extremely compact,” explains Magnus Eklund from Östberg. This makes it easy to find the combination that provides precisely the right ventilation, while ensuring that the units physically match the available space.
Installation of the units was performed by Windefalk AB, which has more than 30 years of experience in the ventilation industry.
Client: Mum projektbyggarna AB, on commission from Alecta.
Ventilation fitter: Windefalk AB
The system, which was delivered from the Östberg factory in Enköping, comprises two modular units providing a total air flow of 10 m3/s.